Usability Testing Analysis


  1. Why would I look at ads
  2. Unable to naviagte the app easily
  3. Annoyance with asking for feedback
  4. Distrust in app (lack of personalization/producing variety)
  5. App feels outdated
  6. Videos are too long; want to know product quickly
Just by looking at the first screen, what do you think the purpose of the app is? Did the user click on the About Us page? What did the user fill out in the profile? Now that the onboarding is complete, is it clear what the functions of the app are? Can you please select you ad preferences? Can you select one of the ads that seem interesting to you? Let’s say you decide you want to buy it later. Can you return to the main page and add the particular ad to “My Ads”? # of tries? Perhaps this is an item your friend has been looking for. Can you send it to someone you know please? # of tries I would now like you to search for an item of your choice. Alright, now please return to the main page.
personalized ad feed where I can see ads I want to see no Made an account; entered city, state, age, gender, education, ethnicity, thought income was a bit personal. Right after, pop of of enjoying adlish came up -said he hasnt even used it yet User tried to click on on boarding not sure if he needed to actually fill out profile (make profile) took 7 sec Went to my ads; went to my feed, clicked on square that displayed ad but nothing happened; zoomed in on video - did not click go to button; clicked on the youtube sign, clicked the logo of the ad; 7 tries clicked on heart; did not go anywhere, 1 try 1 try went to three bars at top; then found search buttons, no ads to match profile; searches sneakers
looking at ads no continued as guest A way to look at personalized ads for yourself went to my ads, to search, 30 sec clicked on box, then go to, 2 tries 1 try 1 try “message UI is not nice” searched jacket - showed up
i think its a feed that is for shopping no continued as guest - was trying to go go back but did not work thought the make account screen is where he actually will make account . Did not choose about us page. App should adhere to phone font. yes, but not certain. seems clear chose travel, electronics, cars, funny, fitness clicked on square, then clicked like, then clicked see more, then go to; 4 tries 1 try 1 try vitamins- several options came up
“Logo is ugly” - purpose of the app is to “look at ads?, i think” No - got curious about it when I got to create your account screen; clicked it and then clicked back bc lots of text “what is creators?- just to see what it was - didnt know how to go back; then clicked about. Frustrated about how to go up. Closed the app. The “next” button to create a new account and sign in for existing account = confusing. Colors should differentiate. Continued as guest yes Goes to my feed; doesn’t know where to go - 20 seconds. Says done at the bottom - bit confusing. I wish I could see my feed in different views - like a grid; more like a catalog Cant click on the main box; im not right handed so I cant click all the way to the “go to”. I cant double tap or anything; 1 try 1 try 1 try lipstick; I would like to see which brand product is by; don’t know about price; these should be shown initially; should be more obvious
“no one likes ads” - algorithm to help you consolidate all the things your’e into. Maybe connects to to other social media and collects info no making account in onboarding is unnecessary; looks like a screen shot and looks ugly; images looks blurry. Did not click on about us. Capitalization is off; continued as guest not really, still kinda confused. Just started adlish, why pop up? went to my ads, discover, my feed, then three bars. It should show up immediately ad you sign on cant find an ad I like; the way youtube video loads looks weird; “this video is private” shows up; tried to click on image, then text; then asked if she should click like. Go to button is nice othewise i would accidentally click; 2 tries 1 - pop up said “follow other - whats other?” buttons are too small - giant link is so ugly ; email button is unclear. hyperlink would be nice return button when typing does not lead to enter; prefer less text
to look at ads no continue as guest look at ads, but save them if you interested in getting the product 1 try clicking the image; then go to, easy to find but would be easier to click on photo 1 try 1 try searched for glasses; i cant “see more” of caption
looks like there is products on it, an online shopping app, customer centered feed no filled out all of them basically personalize ads based on preferences went to my ads, clicked 3 bars and found ad preferences - a pop up would be nicer do i have to hit “go to?” - slightly confused - tried clicking on image first clicked like; 1 try 1 try iphone - things related to iphone, but not an iphone
a tailored feed of things youre wanting to buy - ads no continued as guest yes assuming ot bar 3 bar menu on top right; also considered pressing my ads hard to tell what is intresting because i dont know what the product is; could watch through the vidoe; nut dont want to watch the whole thing and realize its something im not interested; “weiner stampede - hot dog?” No title of product - just says name of video; picture is a little easier; but the description is too long; want to see more about it. Tried to click on image; then pressed go to. Put name of product on main page. Everyone gets sports ads even if they dont select; 2 tries Hearted it; 1 try. Says follow health and wellness - random recomendations presses send button; not sure what green icon is (email); 1 try; make buttons easy to press on - bigger searched socks; disocver and search can be combined
not sure what app does; can i buy things? looks like clothes and accessories; dont know why id want this no; didnt seem important continue as guest trying to click onto make an account on onboarding; i understand the ads - dont understand difference between my feed and discover pop up comes up - i havent used it yet; goes to my ads; maybe dont have the option because continued as guests; clicked on 3 bars - weird that im seeing ad about ketchup and dorritos. Preferences should be first thing; no check boxes indicating that it is a check; not sure why funny ads are there; not sure if i am shopping or entertainment; scrolled down and selected done; preferences should be a pop up before starting; onboarding when getting on app; usually skip intial onboarding; see what app has to offer some ads are confusing becasue some are vidoes, some pictures, influencer posts; option is ad prefernces that ask about gender (etc shoes); not gravitating to anything; clicked on go to- out of stock; first insticnt to click on image; did not watch any videos becasue not interesting; video seems time consuming -one of them is private - making me not trust app; description is not helpful - doesnt tell me about product press the heart; and added press share button; really long link; text looks really band- would not want to send it to anyone LED ropes; no ads to match profile; LED strip - not getting a lot of what I want
picture shows a girl shopping; but says its just for ads; guess that its shopping based ads no continue as guest still a bit confuded; what am i going to do with the ads; not sure why there are videos pop up? just downloaded it; going to menu and see ad preferences and choose; its updates but ketchup still shows up not interested really; im on the site but it says page not found; clicked go to button; i was expecting it stay in the app and purchase in the app a bit confused; liked it; add to my ads- got saved wasn’t too bad; recognized share button; looked on top for search; but its on bottom; searched for shoes; takes time to look through - some of the options look random - want to select womens shoes; have to scroll for a while; theres a lot going on for one intem; see more items quicker
to choose your ads?? no ; confused about the make an account screenshot; cannot go back continued as guest select intrests in terms of ads and the get personalized feed of products and save those products; 5 sec added to my ads while going through; was intuitive to press go to; 1 try 1 try clicked on heart; did not go anywhere, 1 try 1 try; maybe the link could be below scrolled to top; no ads match
gathering that this is an app where I can experience targeted ads thought the make an account onbaording screen is where you make account; no continued as guest; doesnt make sense to have a pop up asking if they are enoying the app when i havent used it yet - seems irrelavent i am unsure about how I can get my curated ads - app has feed of running ads and favorite? Is it just a feed of ads? Oringally I thought it was an ad blocker but also brought ads I wanted to see went to my ads, then went to top 3 bars and found it 1; clicked on go to - instict was to click on image; went to my feed; I set my preferences however the ads I am getting are not my style; i cannot tell what the item is by looking at the ad; cliked on heart icon; clikcing on heart but gives me an option to unfollow travel; heart should not take me to menu small box of diff apps to share to; sync to most recent contacts; I would take facebook out completely; a lot of text; remove things about downloading the app; link with image would be ideal Searched for picture frames, said no ads to match profile; I feel surpsied because I thought I was opening searching into the internet; does not give me any other suggestions, feels like im at a dead end or im using the app wrong; makes me want leave the app
An app that you can use to view ads. The ads would basically be the infinitely scrollable feed no Yes, just as I expected While I'm guest mode, clicking on any of the app icons after pressing the share button only redirects to the app. Other apps usually prompt me to choose who I want to share with I searched for graphics cards, Nvidia, and OnePlus and got no results

User Research Analysis

How was your overall experience of using the app? I didn’t enjoy my experience at all; it was way too slow, difficult to navigate, and when I searched things, I didn’t get a result good, not super hard to navigate, i just wouldn’t use it pretty good; basic instagram know how helped - similar UX wasn’t bad - at some points, a bit confusing. In terms of navigation, experience could have been better. Personally didn’t love the UI and it wasn’t enjoyable. Low quality UI associated with not a good app not the biggest fan; i dont think id use it because I already get ads on other platforms i think it is simple to figure out; on discover portion - youtube ads could be formatted differently; video should take up full screen; i don’t like that youtube link is embedded below average, looks like it could use development; go to button tripped me up, maybe "view product” would be better; what is the difference between my feed and my ads, instead of my ads, call it saved; discover and search could be meshed or put search closer to discover it works well but visuals could be better; wouldnt use this app if i didnt know it was tailored to my intrests; if im looking at an ad, it needs to be appealing. Needs to be clear what product is i dont see the purpose of it - i am not seeing coupon codes- why would i use it over google; not intrested in seeing funny ads; seeing a alot of repittion between my feed and discover so not a lot of content once i get into the app; it makes sense that its showing different ads; i want to filter things and really get my preferences; i want to it to be a step further and have more detailed prefercnes - have another level of filtering; navigating is not too difficult; feed is a bit random; want it to be more personalized it was great; it was intuitive experience on the app was okay; i didnt see the instant value of it by going through the app; i dindt feel like staying on the app for too longl visual seemed dated; not sure what it is supposed to do for me, im confused about when searching - why would i search for an ad when i can just search for the product rate 2/5
What do you think of the concept? Is it something you would use? It is something I would use if the app was easier to navigate; i like the idea of having a tailored ad feed No. Because I do not shop that much more visual based than amazon - prefer more product info up front; i probably would not use this. Can see the interest of some people for it - I go to amazon to shop The concept is good, maybe with improvements to business model, it would be something I enjoy using more. I was thinking of Adlish as a digital magazine/coupon book - I didn’t realize there was more to it until ad preferences; short 5-10 sec video on feed; discover should be a grid- select categories. Landing page should be my feed - see stuff i chose to see; menu should be in a diff place; top right; replace search my my profile it wouldn’t be my preferred method of looking for things i dont think i know anyone would use it; since we are already bombarded with ads, i don’t know who would seek them out - the pair of shoes I was looking at the other day showed up not sure if i would use it; unless im really really bored, maybe if this concept was merged with other platforms - let instagram use adlish to personalie ads instragram does the same thing; what gets me is when its visually appealing; already look at tailored ads a lot; dont mind looking at tailored ad app if it executed well. For preferences - for shoes, can i add womens size 7? add details; more detail and speicifcs for preferences if i am looking at ads; its on ig or is giving me an incentive for the ad - discount yes; makes sense because ive bought things based off of influencers on IG; shopping based on ads is not unique; ads should be very personalized i might use this because i can perosnlize what im looking for; we are always seeing ads that youre not interested in; see ads you want to see i do think I could use something like this because it takes away searching from something when it caters to me; but need a robust backend system; if ia have a feed, i see the value in it; ads already have a negative connptation; im already getting there everyhwere else - why would i spend time looking through more; dont need a discover feed for ads would not use
Would you return to the app? Why/why not? No, not the app as is because it doesn’t seem to have much content I would if it was improved - look through it when im bored- want to be able to go through content faster. Even ig - ppl only look through a few posts no - people do not like the word ad; it has a negative connotation; pintrest does not advertise saying they have ads - its aa mood board. Ads are not a main thing people want to do; there is always something alongside this no, because there are a lot of things i am not interested in - i usually search specific things; as a college students who doesnt need anything, i would not return as of right now, no; if its like a pintrest for ads then i would; would come back if it fits my taste and actually shows what im looking for no; i dont see the incentive; i dont understand what i am getting out of it; it would be useful if it was connected with ig or algorithm; woukd be nice if i could see the ads that i saw before (bc they are fleeting); come back and visit; this idea seems pretty half baked; what the value is of the app; talk to someone in adtech probably not going to use it yeah, its easy to use no; feed did not feel perosnalized
Which apps do you use most and why? Why do you keep going back? I use amazon - easy to navigate; instagram - a lot of content Youtube, google - entertaining content; searching questions. I do not like to scroll for things I don’t need. I look specifically for things online ESPN; whatsapp, IMDB, wikipedia tik tok and IG; i love quick content - easy to digest content; a lot of different topics i liked and some randome\ ones instrgam, spotify, amazon -never used instagram to shop; never considered shopping on snap chat instagram - use it for shopping; it knows me so well; the algorithm is strong linked in and handshake; whast app slack; amazon I use reddit a lot because it has all types of content in one place. Ican learn something about programming or world news and then laugh at some random gif right after
Do you enjoy shopping online? How often do you do so? Yes, i don’t shop that often - 4/month yeah; once/month Not really; once/month Don’t love shopping online; payment process can be a painpoint; usually just amazon - saves info so much easier to buy stuff only shop online; 2hrs/week pass time, dont shop online too much, every couple months for clothes mainly yes; 2/3 times a month yeah; easier to do so; once/month shop daily once a month; browsing is way more frquent Yes, mostly by necessity but will do it when I accomplish something
Have you used an app similar to Adlish before? What did you like about it? pintrest; it gave me cool ideas and made me think about things I didn’t think I needed; saw a leather desk mat and went to amazon and bought it Amazon; they have everything; fast shipping; good prices Instagram products page never no no pintrest is similar; products look appealing; less words; dont realize they are ads retailmenot; coupon ads; ibotta; shop on twitter; you have to reframe ads- theres no other content pintrest is similar because its specific to what i like; pintrest is not fully based on shopping no no
What did you think of the layout of the app? i don’t feel like the font is polished; the boxes and font seem clunky; not smooth like instagram its alright its quite nice; 7.5/10 i didnt like it at all; i didnt like the font of the sign up screen - doesn't match typical font of apps; gives unfamiliar feeling; fonts are normally similar; sizing may be off. Buttons have no variety - not sure what to do first/second/third; i feel uncomfortable looking at feed - lots of squares and circles; share icon doesn’t match icon - resolution of icons/color/size should be consistent; replace go to with just clicking on post; maybe seeing company first; then ad; the description - makes more sense. Refresh icon at top to know if feed is changing. Profile on bottom. Clicking on Adlish button at top should lead to landing page. Clicking on heart should just make it red, not give options - be able to organize in folders. Have follow button. Follow brand? no option to follow brands. Organize saved videos in collections- save option. E-commerce+entertainment not a fan; blurry, boxy, screenshot, cateogires for preferences did not make any sense, scorlling - some images were tall, some short, youtube was loading, older color scheme, reminds me of airline colors im not a fan of the blue and red; youtube ads seem out of place not a fan of the colors; oranage blue combination is not nice, drop down of top right - order of those things is not logical (log out should not be first); not a fan of the embedded youtibe links-slows the program down i probably wont watch video; descriptions are too long - want it long; graphics could be better quality; swipe through various images on product on main page; go to, heart, and send could be on the bottom maybe; not sure if videos is best idea - maybe ask users if they want to see it; blue and red colors - dont mind; icon is a bit blurry white is very stark; logo is dated; looks like its made with basic html; it looks likea newspaper videos are confusing when you first open; one product takes up full screen is annoying; tik tok is more for enterntainment so its fine; dont have a motive on tik tok i like it; three lines on top right corner; i would prefer if all three choices are on the same lines; prefer search bar up top aesthetics need work; does not compare to other apps It's very outdated. The UI is not modern looking. I would recommend following a design component system such as material UI. It provides guidelines on what to do and not to do while designing an app
What aspect of the app did you like most, if anything? I like the concept and the welcome page that told me what it was about - once I began using it, I was let down search option user friendly if you like instagram; doesn’t have too many functions at bottom - easy to figure out the thought behind my ads/my feed; perhaps having icons on nav bar; something needs to chnage about ad prefernce - wasnt sure if it would check or not; have to scroll all the way to bottom to find done button - have floating button it was fast - search results came immediately , liked blurb under ad; i want to know who is making it, will there be a profile where you can see more of their stuff, what does company stand for and mean; blurb was inconsistent - ppl will only sim over few lines - need to capture attention i like the my feed, once i scrolling down more, my preferences are showing up, but the beginning is just random like the concept- scrolling part is cool; app gets job done going through it more, if it was tailored ot my intrests, it would be great; not really; theres potential; not useful right now; if there was deals or coupons, i would go on it; if i searched something - it would tell me where its available and where its discounted its nice for browsing if you need inspiration - wouldnt search for specific item how ads are set up - easily see description, can heart it, structure is easy to use got ads for things i didnt know i could need The feed, but even then it's a bit buggy
Where could the app improve? overall look/aesthetic and content colors; overall look I would prefer product info over youtube links - has several pictures; skim before clicking on the app. First image is just of product, when you swipe then there is a video; spec list/price list shown. Push deals and sales. Easier than amazon - amazon is based on search history but doesnt ask for preferences; focus on unique items/people that are into hobbies; pull from etsy and ebay etc if i had more filters in preferences; might want to add influences on here; i like products that influences reccomened option to select prefrences for brands in each category no During the onboarding process, have higher quality graphics. The home screen has an two adlish headers. When I scroll on the feed I want the nav bar and bottom hot bar to disappear unless I pull up a bit. Put a profile pic in the top right and move the other settings to the bottom. The ads themselves need better margins and the typography should be revised. The buttons could use some elevation as well. Animation would help a lot in transitioning between pages. If I pull down at the top of the feed, the feed should reload.
How often do you see an ad and actually end up purchasing something? 5 times/year almost never rarely 10% of time; very rare; only if its a good deal and its something i really want not often 1/100 ads; i dont mind companies taking my data because its valuable very rarely; dont see a lot of ads; more likely to click if it is a brand ive used before not very often; cant recall a time ; close to never almost never
Do ads usually grab your attention or are they more like interruptions? 50/50; a lot more tailored ads recently that have grabbed my attention sometimes they can they grab my attention in terms of how psychologically powerful they are - they do grab my attention def interruptions youtube ads bother me; on instagram/linkedin, it may catch my attention if done well, they grab my attention depends on where; like on muslim prod ads are annoying; an app thats only ads is not speaking interruptions; depends on what im doing depends Interruptions. I would recommend rebranding away from ads and towards window shopping. No one likes ads